A downloadable soundtrack

Dire Empyrean's Submission for the Lone Rabbit's OST Composing Jam #7 

YouTube Mirror and DAW Screenshot

If you don't feel like downloading the soundtracks, you can listen to the entire soundtrack on YouTube: 

DAW Screenshot for『 Dire Empyrean's Dark Forest Comedy 』The Fall of the Scion of Rot

DAW Screenshot for『 Dire Empyrean's Dark Forest Comedy 』The Fall of the Scion of Rot

DAW Screenshot for『 Dire Empyrean's Dark Forest Comedy 』The Expurgation Campaign

DAW Screenshot for『 Dire Empyrean's Dark Forest Comedy 』The Expurgation Campaign

What is the Relation Between the Submitted Tracks and the Jam's Theme?

For the theme of this Jam, "Inside My World,"  I've chosen to interpret this theme two ways. 

Within the context of my game, the prompt represents two core aspects: the first being the foreign, cosmic entity that has invaded Earth, hence a foreign entity has forced itself "Inside My World," the world in this case being Earth, and second the alien entity invades the bodies of living organisms, hence in the phrase "Inside My World," the world would be someone's inner world, or their body. 

I wanted to convey this story through the cover art of the tracks and through their chosen names. (Refer to the linked playlist on my YouTube)

What Game Did I Envision the Soundtrack For 

For the soundtrack, I envisioned a hybrid of Doom and Call of Duty's Zombies game mode. The game would adopt an endless, arcade-style gameplay of Call of Duty Zombie's with the dynamic, faster paced combat system of Doom.  

I choose to have a more high energy, electronic soundtrack to match energy of the gameplay.  

I further decided to split the tracks into Acts as the story would play out over several map similar to Call of Duty's Zombies story.  With each tracks being their respective maps theme.


Dire Empyrean - Dark Forest Comedy Act I.wav 22 MB
Dire Empyrean - Dark Forest Comedy Act II.wav 26 MB